On the Verge of Suicide: Rethinking the Value of Life

6 min readApr 29, 2022


Source: Dokpri

A mini-documentary tells the daily story of Hyung-Geun Suh, a member of the Special Police Suicide Prevention Unit whose job is to rescue people who are trying to commit suicide by jumping into the Han River in South Korea. In a country with an average income of 30,000 USD per year, suicide is committed every 30 minutes.

Since the end of the Korean War, the citizens have evolved and enjoyed rapid economic development. Nevertheless, they are now increasingly exhausted physically and mentally in this highly competitive environment. People left behind are seen as failures and useless — eventually taking the painful decision to commit suicide. Deeply regretted: the majority of them are teenagers. Living in a country full of stressful competition in the academic world is tough.

The phenomena of suicide differ across the globe. In India, student suicides are relatively few compared to farmers, who have committed suicide at an increasing rate in recent decades. In Maharashtra, debt, poor living conditions, chronic illness, social and family obligations, drug addiction, and crop failure are the leading causes. (Maharashtra Government, 2006).

Suicide is a mysterious phenomenon — it defies generalization. Statistics on suicide show that citizens from “financially stable countries,” namely South Korea, Japan, and European states, surprisingly take the top spot of countries with the highest suicidal rates. (WHO, 2019). Therefore, suicidal thoughts are not justified based on wealth or social dynamics alone.

The Value of Life

Examining suicidal behavior from an economic perspective does not assess whether it is wrong, immoral, or deviant. People are considered rational if they choose what seems most desirable, given various alternatives, even if the chosen course of action results in death.

In a simple concept, the value of life is the ‘marginal cost of avoiding mortality.’ However, this concept is complex and complicated given the absence of a universally accepted quantifying mechanism for valuing life. Monetary value cannot be used as a single measure because people value their lives not only in terms of money.

If we look at empirical patterns and try to describe the common causes of suicide, we can sum it up in one word: unhappiness. Those with low levels of happiness tend to be more likely to commit suicide, and vice versa. Higher levels of happiness will create a more robust and healthier mental state.

Thus, a more straightforward method for assessing life is to observe the phenomena of life from the perspective of happiness — the mental and physical satisfaction of a person. However, measuring the value of happiness is also a complicated process because each individual obtains the level of happiness on a different scale. Perhaps necessities will satisfy a person’s need, but happiness is more than just fulfilling a need.

Economists use marginal analysis, namely marginal utility, to measure the fulfillment of needs. We can say that this marginal utility value equals the ‘sum’ of happiness. Thus, the people’s objective is to achieve the maximum marginal utility to obtain greater happiness.

The opposite will also apply when wants and needs are not met. It is very disappointing to a person when he fails to achieve a change in the marginal utility from the previous life stage or society in general. This phase is where Anchoring Bias plays — the first thing people judge affects their judgment of everything that follows. When past or general results are used as benchmarks, an inner debate will arise because they are pressured by high standards, eventually leading to the question, “Am I still able to bear this pressure, or just quit?”

“Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources to cope with pain.” quotes Metanoia, an online consulting center that helps people cope with suicidal thoughts. The value of life can be calculated in the same way as we value a company: Calculate all possible values ​​of happiness contained in life, subtract the costs of achieving that happiness, and if the net present enjoyment of life is less than zero, suicide is considered economically rational.

An Elusive Pattern

The riddle of this phenomenon is becoming increasingly difficult to solve — Why do people in the upper-class economy place such a low value on their lives? Isn’t it fun for them to be ‘rich’? Are they facing too much pressure to manage their wealth or simply because they do not have much more to achieve?

We can apply the concept of opportunity cost — the cost of a choice made over available options. The same applies to the value of life. When individuals from the upper class choose to end their lives, the opportunity costs will be higher because they have to give up all the wealth and coffers of luxuries they have saved so far. On the other hand, in the case of a poor farmer, the opportunity costs may be negligible, even more so if they are heavily in debt.

Humans tend to want more in life. This tendency drives them to value life only when the marginal utility of life continues to increase. When the change of marginal utility decreases or even stops, the value placed on life also begins to decline. In a situation where people are endowed with luxuries but are not satisfied with what they have, it is conceivable that the value they place on life is less than death.

The same will apply to people with low economic levels when the marginal utility of life is low or even negative, and the opportunity cost of living increases. Decreased marginal utility and increased opportunity cost make suicide a more potent option.

A decrease in the relative value of happiness will affect their thoughts. At this stage, it all depends on the mental management of each person. Some go to great lengths to overhaul the situation and move on with life choices, while others are overwhelmed by the situation. Their mental state determines the outcome.

Not Always Unstoppable

People end their own lives for various reasons. Since we are not in their position, we cannot judge their decision. However, just as every individual can be a change agent — talking, listening, and helping people through difficult times can help them.

Back to Hyung’s story on the Han River, he and his team succeed in thwarting 70% of the suicides there. Every day they patrol to monitor those who want to end their lives. Other preventive measures include installing CCTV, hotlines, and emergency alarms.

There are short phrases uttered along the sidewalks of the river bridge — as simple as “How are you?” or “You have done the best!” but that means a lot if we are in their position. Perhaps it can prevent them from making the irreversible choice to end their lives. In a confused state of mind, when they are trying to weigh the value they place on life and the decision to leave the world, the presence of those closest can help to convince them that all human beings are valuable and deserve to continue life.

By Ebenezer Mesotuho Harefa | Ilmu Ekonomi 2021 | Staff Divisi Kajian Kanopi FEB UI 2022


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